DelIver to the future
Robeff is a technology company that design, produce and develop driverless electric robot platforms. We provide solutions about last-mile delivery and campus shuttle with the systems we designed.
Our Team
Özkan Köroğlu
Control Engineer
Yunus Emre Elaydın
Software Engineer
Coşkun Arslan
Software Engineer
Ahmet Can Kara
Hardware Engineer
Hüseyin Baki İnan
Design Engineer
Our Advisory Board
Prof. Tamer Yılmaz
The Rector of Yildiz Technical University
İsa Turgut İnci
Deputy General Manager at Yildiz Teknopark
Murat Peksavaş
Chairman of the Board of Binovative
Armağan Arslan
Managing Director at LeoDrive
Assoc. Prof. Alp Tekin ERGENÇ
Managing Director at Merg Engineering